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Meet The Staff

It is our desire at Calvary Chapel Great Falls to present the staff as ones who're called not to be served but to serve unto you. 

Your pastor
Zach Ruiz

Senior pastor


Born and raised in Southern California, Zach Ruiz grew up as the son of a senior pastor until God called the entire family in 2003 to serve as missionaries in Okinawa, Japan. For the next 18 years, he served throughout Japan and was focused on remaining there with his wife, Yukari and first born son, Hezekiah, until God called them to take a step of faith and move to Montana in 2021.


God's reason for moving was made clear that Zach and his family was called to Great Falls to continue His Work at Calvary Chapel Great Falls and to also spread the Kingdom of God by making Jesus Christ known within the city.


His heart will always be towards missionary work and training up the younger generation to become spiritual leaders who'll continue on God's work.



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